Here are two red flag symptoms of neck pain that require immediate medical attention.
The first is a stiff neck with a severe headache.
This could be a sign of meningitis which is a bacterial infection in the outer lining of the brain.
This could cause fever, body chills, aches and pains, and even nausea or vomiting.
It is often associated with a severe headache and an inability to flex your head forward because of stiffness.
If you have all of these symptoms together, it’s important to seek medical attention right away as this is best treated if it’s caught early.
Also, if you develop sudden hand or arm weakness or progressive numbness, or start to develop loss of bladder and bowel control or poor coordination with your legs, this would also be a good reason to go seek emergency medical attention as this could be caused by compression of either nerve roots or the spinal cord in the cervical spine.
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